From left to right we have the Queen who has magical powers, and is scared and conflicted because she's afraid to hurt or be hurt. We have the goofy guy who is a loner and his best friend Sven the animal. Top of Sven is the snowman who is, at his core, the bond between sisters and the voice of reason they don't want to listen too. He also happens to be the most lovable character. Anna, the sister who has been hurt but ready to forgive and lonely. And the prince...who's a butthead for once in Disney history.
There. My little rendition of who is who. And I didn't even give anything away! ha!
Soooo many people are saying some really bad things about this movie. But, I just don't get it. I don't see it, and I'm more conservative than many of them so it baffles me honestly.
Here's my thought. I think maybe we are getting to a point in history where people hear what they want to hear and get offended by everything else. They see what they want to see and don't like what they don't want to see. Or they look so hard for what they want that they find it, even when it's not intended....or maybe it is and I refuse to see it only seeing what I want.
So here's what I saw, let me bring you into MY WORLD for a minute here, and as usual my world involves all those in it and how things affect them. Keep this in mind.
I saw a movie that, for once, taught about what real love is. I saw a movie that taught loyalty, and family is actually meaningful. I saw a girl, having trouble with a really scary past watch this Queen who is troubled with a really scary past make choices to shut herself away from the world....much like my own girl's current choices. And I watched her big brown eyes as she watched this Queen struggle and fight, and eventually make a choice to love and open herself up to others while trusting herself NOT to hurt those she fears hurting the very most. This Queen, who was quite content in her isolation, chose love and chose to let go of her hurt, her fears, and her past.
People. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is going to be as important to my girl as learning this lesson. The Queen learned to forgive herself and others. She breathed and allowed her family in to love her even though it was scary and she was afraid to lose her sister (family). She did what was right, even at the risk of hurting others. And along the way, her sister the princess, never gave up on her. She always chose the right path and loved her sister no matter what. My girl needs to know there are people in this world that will do this.
You don't know much about my girl yet...she's not really "mine" and that's why you don't know much about her. But let me tell you, this lesson was not the only one this movie showed her...but it was by far the one she needed the most at this time in her very scary life.
For these children in the system, they have scary pasts and they've done scary things. They are sinners, just like us. But they don't know they can "Let it Go" and learn to forgive and love and be loved. Most have attachment issues and they refuse to let anyone in. They are trapped within their own jail cells they've created for themselves so that the hurt is minimal and they don't risk hurting anyone with their words of truth about their past. They are scared, VERY ANGRY, and in agony. Even though they put themselves in this jail, they don't know how to let themselves out in many cases. Because what then? What if they go back to a scary place or to scary ppl that hurt? What if those they expose themselves don't love them or give up on them? What if what if what if?
This is her struggle. This is why I cannot hear that stupid song without ugly crying and praying and pleading with God that one day soon she'll "let it go".
This is why I spent several nights up way too late to make this for her birthday to put on her walls, as a daily reminder.
I'm not saying that's the ONLY lesson of this movie. But it's enough. It's enough to buy it and endure the 239753957350 times I'll have to hear that song and watch this movie.
It's enough to look at the ppl calling it all kinds of other weird things and ask...."Have you thought of another perspective outside of your own mind and what you want to see"??? yeahhh....I didn't think so.
Alrighty, enough for now. I think I need to go listen to the song and have a good ugly cry while I'm letting it go that you haven't.