We are Christians. No, I don't mean that flippantly like most people in America you come across these days. John 15:19. I mean we try our very best to follow the bible and live in accordance believing that GOD is sovereign over all.
Romans 12:2
The GOD of creation is amazing and there is no other peace as when you live and trust in HIM.
I am not as good at speaking exact verses (getting better though) and what/why we believe what we do so I'm just going to post some links to people that we like to listen too, and that explain it very well. My husband is better at this, me not so much.
But maybe it's better that you hear from these guys...because they are GOOD. And I pray that should you open these links it will change your life forever, for the good or for the better..whichever your personal case may be.
Dr Voddie Baucham
Paul Washer
We choose to live in the moment, knowing our time is not ours and is limited we laugh alot, we love alot, and we choose not to live in the past or with regrets. Otherwise we would have many, but we've been forgiven those regrets and, let's face it, it's hard enough to get each new day right (not that we do) so why look behind you when you can look ahead?!
And we choose to live with Eucharisteo.
Eucharisteo–Greek. yoo-khar-is-teh’-o. Verb. Definition: 1.To be grateful, to feel thankful. 2. Give thanks
In chapter two of One Thousand Gifts, Ann talks about eucharisteo. Eucharisteo is the key word. The meaning behind it, the challenge of this entire book.
Yeshua gave thanks before everything. Before the cross. Before the supper. Etc. And he mentions how it is paramount to this small short life. In the book above she talks about how being thankful, even in the hard times, is the key to joy, to connection, to so many things. It's learning to look up when covered in mud and thank GOD for the gift of life in the dirt.
The book changed my life, it made me see and opened my eyes and I will forever be thankful for that especially. My family has many struggles. I have a defined list of health problems that are fairly serious. My son has his 3 health issues. My father had a double lung transplant 8 years ago, but 20 years ago was told he had 5 years to live...and the road has not been easy. My husband is legally blind (although he wouldn't tell you that), has eye issues, hearing issues, and allergies so severe we carry shots around to keep him alive certain times of the year. Suffice it to say all around this family are trials and tribulations.
But, in all that I'm thankful. So very thankful for so many blessings we have. And in that, I've learned to let go and let GOD. I've learned to be less aggressive, more loving and I'm learning new things every day.

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