Saturday, June 2, 2012

Update-Charlie Brown's Evaluation

I've been waiting for an official evaluation on his APD for 2 years now. I had been waiting for an evaluation for his Strabismic Amblyopia for over a very long month now. And Friday we went in for an evaluation, all excited. At one point Charlie Brown even jumped up and down and said "YAY! It's my special day, I'm special today". LOL awww
I would like to tell you all the facts. I would like to update on when therapy begins and what our starting plan is. Unfortunately that's not what I have. Unfortunately an official evaluation is not what we received on Friday.
We are disappointed and frustrated.
It is hard when something is wrong with your son and you don't know all that much about it (other than what you can research online) and really have no answers, and it's not something you can see with your own eyes, it's not a broken finger you can say "Can you bend it? Nope? Yup, it's broken still".
And I feel like it's my fault. I researched, looking for a cheaper option, just as good of an option, but a little more financially attainable. I thought I had found it. She was recommend by the National Board of Optometry just as the other place is. However we quickly learned that, in this case, we may get what we pay for.

Ultimately we do not feel comfortable doing visual therapy with this office. It was unprofessional and she may well have known her profession, but she was not good at communicating it to us. We left with no answers, and no plan. This is just not something we feel we can "take a chance" on. We do not want to be right back here in the same place this time next year without having given it our best shot. This office is not the best shot for our son.
Thankfully I had not cancelled our appointment for evaluation with the other eyecare clinic and so we will go there next Friday. Hopefully we will leave with a completely different feeling than last.
It's upsetting that I don't have much more to say on the subject but here's what we DO know.
We KNOW that our God is Sovereign. We KNOW that HIS plan is what is best for our son. We KNOW that with bad also comes good and we KNOW that we trust in HIM. 
This life is but a stepping stone to the eternal, and these children are ours but for a short time. For eternity they are HIS children. We will do the best we can by them, but ultimately God has a plan for them, nomatter what they/we have to face.
And nomatter what, he's still special. :)

1 comment:

  1. I an sorry...I know that has to be super-frustrating. I know you have asked God, just keep trusting that he will lead you where you should be.
