Tuesday, October 9, 2012

It's a week alright.

Life around here has been crazy.
I just reread that sentence to myself as "Life has been around here crazy".
Yes. That's how crazy it's been.
It's made me dyslexic.
no seriously..............................LYSDEXIC!!!

Last Thursday I started to feel much better, the swelling was down...and life decided "OH She's up! Let's have at her!!"...and then it attacked. Life did.

Sat we went to OKC and rode Thomas the Train and visited with some friends. I could only handle one friend visit as I knew I'd be exhausted after. And I was.
Sunday church and Lunch and then my tummy got really upset all of a sudden (something I'm still fighting) so Sunday afternoon I spent sick.
Monday-Cleaning, Lunch, Visual Therapy, Physicals, School, and I really can't remember what after that honestly.
Tuesday-Cleaning, School, Lunch, School, Shopping for winter clothes, Science project (we made our own fossils), Supper, Grocery shopping, and I"m beat.
I don't feel like you can catch my tone on a blog so I need to repeat for effect...B.E.A.T
We have company coming in Thurs-Sat.
I'm so afraid the house won't be ready for them. Or as good as I can get it. SOOO tired.

So swelling is much better but still there. If I nod my head down too far I get nauseous, or stretch too far. Makes it hard to swallow or breath for a bit.
The scar is getting on my nerves. The glue they used instead of stitches is peeling but not all the way off and so it draws attention. I keep waiting for someone to ask me about it instead of try so hard not to stare because I want SOO badly to say "I got into a knife fight, but you should see the other guy".

Well have a good week. I don't think I'll be updating much this week.

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