Last week we were in Ch 11 of our Answers in Genesis Bible Curriculum and the lesson was on old earth/new earth and the job Christ left for us until he returns. This they titled "The Great Commission".
Matthew 28: 18-20
18 And Jesus came and said to them, h“All authority iin heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 jGo therefore and kmake disciples of lall nations, jbaptizing them mint he name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them oto observe all that pI have commanded you. And behold, qI am with you always, to rthe end of the age.”
Therefore, we connected his Command with what makes a Christian, because without the foundation of HOW we are to be as Christians it's impossible to spread the gospel. And I used a science experiment to be a visual that they will hopefully remember in the future when discerning themselves AND those they listen to on the Word of God. For the experiment and the connecting lesson we used AIG Science & the Bible curriculum.
2 Cor. 5:17
Therefore, is anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
I explained to the boys that once Christ begins a work in us he HAS PROMISED to finish it and that once we are HIS we are changed. Some times this change comes slowly, others very quickly as if he's picked us up by the collar, shaken (not stirred) us, and put us back down. My husband was one of those lucky ones, I am the more stubborn type to see the slow work in me and changes being made. NEW! I asked of them "if someone claims to be a Christian but is seen at the bars drinking and partying while their children stay at home, does this actually mean they are a Christian?" The answer is "no, most likely not". This doesn't mean we don't fail and have times of despair where we make bad choices like this. It just means that by and large they will begin making BIG changes in their lives and will choose (this is the only place our choice comes into play by the way) not to follow their friends to the bar. It means we look and act different even if by only a few actions at first but over a period of time the difference is HUGE (sometimes HE chooses to spend time teaching us lessons).
If you do not see a difference in their daily actions and choices, chances are...they are not God's children...or at least not yet. Hey, don't hate the messenger, I'm ONLY stating what the bible says. This is truth whether you like it or not.
Back to the experiment:
We took a mason jar, filled it halfway with dirt, then put as much beans as we could. I then shook it up till the beans were all mixed with the dirt. Then I filled it with Water and shut the lid.
The jar is the world.
The beans are us.
The water is Christ. He promised to be our water of life.
And I illustrated.
When Christ fills us with his life giving water we are no longer the same. WE MUST GROW in him. We have no choice but to begin growing, albeit slowly at times. We can no longer be conformed by the world or stay within what the world says we must do or be. We have to change, to be a new creation.
By the next day this is what we found.
When God takes you for His. You are new. You are to be new, to make new choices, to begin a new life. Sometimes it's hard, stressful, and painful but it is what we are commanded. But we make those new choices for a new life because Christ, well, he is worth it.