Saturday, January 5, 2013

Thyroidectomy 4 months out

This week I had my 4 month check up after my Total Thyroidectomy in September.

Here are my official stats from 1 month out (October visit):
TSH: 7.28
My official stats from Jan visit:
Blood Pressure: 145/89

She also tested these that my body is deficient in:
Iron-32, Saturation 8.5
Vit D 2, 29
Folate (Folic Acid)-15.7
Normal Levels: 
Vitamin D-30-74
What this means:
Thyroid Hormones are all on the low range normal, meaning I'm within "normal" levels but leaning on the HYPO side of things. It's easier for me to gain than lose, and losing is a struggle. My meds need to be tweaked still and she is adding Cytomel to my 150mg Synthroid. In the thyroid struggle it's best if the doctor doesn't just look at the stats of what is called "normal" and looks at your body alone and where you function best. I'm not there yet and she knows this and is working with me. Cytomel is a new and controversial drug but I"m so glad she's looking into it because, to me, this means she is doing her own research and not just looking at prescribing what the government feels best for my care (which would be synthroid alone). There is lots of research this new drug is helping thyroid patients because it's already broken down into the needed thyroid hormones rather than depending on only two of the thyroid hormones and expecting the bodies to break those down into the third we need, which, for many ppl never happens and they are always tired.
There is good research out there that states patients are feeling better and living better with including this med in their regimen. I'm excited to try it. I need to be on the low end of normal so I'm not struggling so much with not gaining more, that would be BAD.
My B12 and Folate looks great, finally at a normal level.
I am more anemic and my iron is not taking so I have to add more iron in my meds.
My Vit D is also not taking for some reason, I'm currently taking 6000 iu's of Vit D a day and for some reason it's not absorbing but she is not worried about it, she said it could take 6 months for vit D to register so continue on the 6000.

Ok so there was one more test done. It's called an ACTH Stimulation (cortisone kidney infusion) test. She gave me this test because I also have a very small adenoma (tumor) on my pituitary gland in my brain. She tested several things this fall that it could affect by being there and this was the last one. Basically the results were normal but barely above the normal range. (norm is 3-16, mine went to 18.7). This suggests my body is making too much due to the adenoma, which would explain alot in my body over the last 7 years..even longer!
So I may have to treat this as it could mean I have cushings disease or just overactive adrenal glands as a result of the tumor. I will continue to research and address this issue over the next several months. In the meantime we are not treating it yet. I want to make sure I'm treating the issue and not just the symptom here.

All in all, I still have issues (surprise, ha). But it is getting much better and even earlier than expected too. I do not regret having my thyroid removed in the least. I'm so thankful for new health and hope!

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