Monday, December 31, 2012

The things they say

So tonight going out to eat we passed an 18 wheeler stuck on a corner close to our house. It's one of those corners this frequently happens for some reason (not sure why they don't learn but anyway...). For some reason Kung Fu Roo was just struck dramatic by it (not hard for this child).
First he said he was sorry for the trucker and hoped he was ok, we assured him he was.
Then he wanted to go help, we explained police were already there and would be upset if we interfered.
This we explained three times.
Then he stated "poor poor trucker"
Then he wanted to go get him some food and a blanket, we let him know he didn't wreck only got stuck and would be unstuck shortly.
Then he wanted to go help again.
And finally ended with some more "poor trucker".
This lasted about THIRTY MINUTES, all the while us telling him how sweet he was to be concerned but really, it's ok.

So after eating we come home, truck has been all cleared out and unstuck.
Charlie Brown says "the truck is unstuck!" all excited after hearing our long, drawn out conversation in which Kung Fu Roo was still left uneasy.
We exlaimed "yes it is".

Wouldn't you know the next thing out of Kung Fu Roo's mouth is..."SEE! I TOLD you Charlie"!!!
As if Charlie Brown was the one exhausting the issue....


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