Monday, April 8, 2013

Judge not...according to appearance, but JUDGE WITH RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT

I have to preface this post with the fact that I am in a mood. And when I say I am in a mood I mean... I . AM . IN . A . MOOD
You've been warned. Don't care? read on then.

I am so tired of people bringing up Matthew 7: 1-2
Oh yeah. And defending man under that verse. As if MAN were worth anything. As if we have power, or due reverence.
Also these verses: John 13: 34-35, 1 Corinthians 13
Love DOES NOT mean not offending people. It does NOT mean to "coexist", to agree with, to not offend, not speak against, etc. NONE of those things are the biblical definition of what LOVE actually is.
Jesus says "love one another, as I have loved you".

Does Jesus ever tell someone they are ok as they are? Does he say he doesn't want to offend someone? Does he tell them to not judge each other?
He tells us to keep each other accountable. To discern whether someone is in Christ or not, he even says HOW to tell (see fruit and changes made). He warns us over and over about leading others astray. 

So why is it not ok when you bring up scripture telling someone these things? 

Love is telling someone what they are preaching is not biblical. Love is warning others that what their eyes see and ears here is against the bible. Love is standing, when everyone else follows like sheep. Love is saying the truth, even if you lose a friend over it. Love is willing to be the person noone at a certain table will talk too because you've put scripture where they are blaspheming the bible. 

Because the absolute WORST thing you can do......
is not offend and let them walk straight into hell. 

IT IS NOT ABOUT THIS LIFE. It's about what comes after and if what you are doing in this life get's you eternity of pain I would rather love you and hurt you here hoping you see truth. 

The bible offends. It's not meant to make you feel good all the time. It's meant to tell you what lowly creatures us men are. That we are nothing compared to our Savior, that we have no power, nothing but servants we are. And because he LOVES us he died for us. Knowing who he is and who we actually are should humble you more.