Monday, April 8, 2013

Judge not...according to appearance, but JUDGE WITH RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT

I have to preface this post with the fact that I am in a mood. And when I say I am in a mood I mean... I . AM . IN . A . MOOD
You've been warned. Don't care? read on then.

I am so tired of people bringing up Matthew 7: 1-2
Oh yeah. And defending man under that verse. As if MAN were worth anything. As if we have power, or due reverence.
Also these verses: John 13: 34-35, 1 Corinthians 13
Love DOES NOT mean not offending people. It does NOT mean to "coexist", to agree with, to not offend, not speak against, etc. NONE of those things are the biblical definition of what LOVE actually is.
Jesus says "love one another, as I have loved you".

Does Jesus ever tell someone they are ok as they are? Does he say he doesn't want to offend someone? Does he tell them to not judge each other?
He tells us to keep each other accountable. To discern whether someone is in Christ or not, he even says HOW to tell (see fruit and changes made). He warns us over and over about leading others astray. 

So why is it not ok when you bring up scripture telling someone these things? 

Love is telling someone what they are preaching is not biblical. Love is warning others that what their eyes see and ears here is against the bible. Love is standing, when everyone else follows like sheep. Love is saying the truth, even if you lose a friend over it. Love is willing to be the person noone at a certain table will talk too because you've put scripture where they are blaspheming the bible. 

Because the absolute WORST thing you can do......
is not offend and let them walk straight into hell. 

IT IS NOT ABOUT THIS LIFE. It's about what comes after and if what you are doing in this life get's you eternity of pain I would rather love you and hurt you here hoping you see truth. 

The bible offends. It's not meant to make you feel good all the time. It's meant to tell you what lowly creatures us men are. That we are nothing compared to our Savior, that we have no power, nothing but servants we are. And because he LOVES us he died for us. Knowing who he is and who we actually are should humble you more. 


  1. Hmmm...I may be stepping in a hornets nest here, because I am not sure what you spurred this. Here is my take. I think we, as Christians, need to be careful. We all have different takes on what the scriptures are saying, if we didn't, there would not be so many different denominations. It is my humble opinion that when Jesus said to "love one another as I have loved you," that it does mean some tolerance is necessary. I believe that even in my imperfect state, Christ loves me. He loves me, unconditionally. If he did not, he would not have atoned for my sins. Does this mean he likes my bad choices? No. Does it mean I should continue to make bad choices? No. Does it mean that he would not teach me otherwise? No. But I do believe that if he were standing in front of me, he would teach me with love, kindness and understanding. And I believe he would love me, regardless of my decisions. I believe in that Christ, and I believe that I do have worth. I also believe that we as Christians really need to teach and accept the way that Christ did. The story that comes to mind is the way Christ handled the adulteress. Just my thoughts.

  2. The husband here, I wanted to interject: We are to show some measure of tollerance to other people, because we
    were once children of wrath ourselves. We should always try to be humble
    with the truth. BUT that stops at the corruption of the text, for that
    there is no tollerance.
    As in Titus 1, we are to reprove the twisting of the text severely. Also
    there are many texts that teach us to rebuke & some severely those who
    corrupt the text or teach a false doctrine.

    There are not 6 billion ways to interpret the scriptures. There's is one
    & it's the way it was told & written. GOD meant it to mean what HE said.

    It there were so many then there could not be one truth. One absolute
    There are different denominations because people wanted to fashion a
    belief system of their choosing, using the text they wanted while
    leaving out the ones that would offend. The bible is very offensive
    especially to those who do not believe.
    The true church, "Christ's bride" is they that follow the true meaning
    of the text, whether it stings or not. Who stumble & are given the gift
    of repentance, get up & try to honor GOD. Not to earn merrit, but to
    bring joy to the father that loved them first. Because they know the
    truth & it brings humility. They understand that they would never be HIS
    if it was up to them choosing.

    Love one another has become
    "excuse my sin, I'm OK with it & so you should be too."

    That was never the intention of those passages & people need to see
    To think that Christ would love me regardless of my decisions is absurd.
    The bible doesn't teach that & that is one of those that people want to
    run with because it makes them feel good about their sin.

    The Gospel will do one of two things, Convict or Condemn.
    There is no middle road.

    They that love their sin & twist the text to feel good about themselves
    are lost & have no true understanding.

  3. So to your response, I would ask, what is the right interpretation? Is it the one that you personally agree with? I guess I would seriously disagree with the statement that thinking Christ would love me regardless of my decisions is absurd. So Christ only loves us if we are without sin? I think that is absurd. I don't feel good about my sin, but the reality is that NONE of us are perfect, so that means we all have sin. If Christ doesn't love us if we have sin, or make bad decisions sometimes, that means he loves none of us? That is just not the Christ that I was taught of and it's not the Christ that I have loved my whole life and it's not the Christ that I believed atoned for me. If that is the Christ you believe in, you are welcome to it. That is the beautiful thing about this country, isn't it? We can all worship according to our own understanding. I just think it must be a heavy burden to believe that Christ had a spirit of condemnation instead of a spirit of love, especially knowing that no one is perfect, which would mean we are all condemned. Blessings to you and yours.

  4. Husband here,

    Im believe I should clarify the context of what I wrote.
    In my head it was clear. I just didn't transfer it to print well. An exampl of a clear difference between man & GOD.

    I wrote:
    "Love one another has become "excuse my sin, I'm OK with it & so you should be too."

    That was never the intention of those passages & people need to see that. To think that Christ would love me regardless of my decisions is absurd. The bible doesn't teach that & that is one of those that people want to
    run with because it makes them feel good about their sin."

    I'm pointing out the GOD hating athiest, agnostic, the CEO christian (christmas & easter only), the party hardy good timer who is getting over their hangover during sunday service. The one who thinks church is all about them & what they get out of it. These people are in a false belief. They say they are Christian but don't act like it. You can't tell the difference between them & the world. Nor doe they understand doctrine, atonment propitiation, etc...

    We Christian's will mess up because we are broken. BUT,as you said "I don't feel good about my sin". The true Christian will have a different reaction to that sin when we do it. Remember, you as a believer are covered by the blood of Christ & the Father looks at you through the filter of HIS son. Those whome are not HIS children are looked at differently.

    Our common phraseology says
    "God loves the sinner but hates the sin."
    Which is not what the bible says.

    Psalms 5:5 The boastful shall not stand before Your eyes;
    You hate all who do iniquity.

    Romans 9:13 Just as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.”

    As for the right interpretation:

    Well, GOD said what he said & meant what HE said. Thats one of the attributes of a perfect GOD, He doesn't waver. Since the Bible cannot contradict itself, someone cannot violate one text to agree with another. The Bible is literal. Even when the writing is symbolic, the meaning is literal. So, scripture must be read for what it says, not what we want it or want to believe it says. It is a great mistake to go to the bible & try to make it fit our world. It is our standard, perfect standard.

    2 Pet 1:20 But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, 21 for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.

    2 timothy 3: 16 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;

    If there could be 6 billion different interpretations, there would be no correction for wrong, training for a standard, nor reproof to that standard. GOD, would have left his divine word unsettled. And since we know that is not possible. There is only one absolute truth.
    Part of whats wrong in this country is so many want their own understanding. They want to duck & dodge the real scriptures to have a GOD of their own creation.

    And, Do I personally agree with it?
    Absolutly. Whether I like it or not.
