Friday, March 29, 2013


Ok so I've posted about Charlie Brown having Audio Processing Disorder, and Strabimsic Amblyopia which we did visual therapy for. Also, our disappointment with visual therapy.
Well, in searching for our next option (because we just didn't feel like this was the time to lay down our swords and say "this is it for him") I had been asking around quite a bit about the options in my town. I'm new, I have no clue (hey, that should go on my bumper).
There are just so many options but most only deal with one area (speech, reading, or writing, etc) and cost thousands of dollars. I was thinking about maybe going unconventional with him in the way of school next year. Maybe doing alot of research, increase our fun reading, no workbooks or traditional homeschool curriculum (in the way of grammar and reading, math would still be teaching textbooks) and see where it gets us.
I've seen him regress this year in reading and writing, and even his attention skills.
I don't know if this is because of my lack of teaching abilities or his lack of wanting to pay attention to Mommy rather than that beautiful and oh so sweet teacher he had last year in private school (group homeschool) but whatever the cause I just feel that if we don't get a grasp on it now he's going to continue to have trouble.

In asking around ppl kept recommending this Dylsexia Therapy they'd gone thru with their kiddos. I knew he had some dylexia but didn't know how badly it affected him. Still, we went for an evaluation.
Based on her questions she deemed that he is SEVERELY Dyslexic and needs therapy.

She hasn't really worked with him yet so I reserve that diagnosis until she's seen his work and how his mind works...and also whether it's actually helping him or not. This particular place deals with every area he's having trouble in (reading, writing, comprehension, verbal instructions, etc) and begins in the brain with "defragging it" or getting it to fire correctly in the processing areas. Then, she builds on that.
It's pennies compared to the thousands we would otherwise be trying so we decided it's worth a try.

Beginning next week we start a different kind of therapy. Dyslexia Therapy. I'm learning more about it but it does seem to go right hand in hand with APD.

Praying this helps him become strong in those areas.

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