I feel like I'm under attack physically. Especially in the last month, because in the last month I've had or currently have:
-Upper resp infection
-Acute Bronchitus that took an entire month away from me
-Thyroid issues
-Hormone issues
-Exhaustion issues due to the above
-problems seeing (need to wear glasses but can't while driving and it causes issues)
-Dislocated my Knee, cracked my leg bone, and tore/stretched ligaments and muscle around it
-Dislocated my hip-twice
-Sprained or twisted my ankle
-Am currently on crutches and pain meds
-And as of today either have Pink eye or an Allergic reaction IN my eye
Yup, and that's just ONE MONTH in my fun life.
But you know what? It's got me excited. Say wha?? you say?
Let me explain. Scott is changing jobs, where the insurance has no pre existing clause and a small yearly deductible, where I can finally get accurate and good medical treatment of my whole body, where I have an appt with an endo in August to begin the process of getting this (hopefully Lord willing) all taken care of once and for all, where there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
And all right before that I'm under some pretty serious physical attack by Satan.
Now, I wasn't always this way. In fact it's more my pedigree to go with "poor me, why me, my maiden name's luck, and be angry". And yeah, it DOES suck, let me make that clear.
But still. Nowadays I ask myself. "SELF. HMMM"
Because clearly I talk to myself, answer myself, and think to myself all in the same sentence.
What's the point if there is one?
Well, putting two and two together it has me wondering if there is a BIG change ahead for me and my health. One we've prayed for for YEARS now and because this change is on it's way Satan is using this time to get at me all she (yes, because only a woman can be as vicious as Satan) can.
We are attacked when we take up our Cross. Jesus uses these moments to teach, love, correct, etc us.
And the fact that it's so hard right now. Well. That only makes me more hopeful for the future and what is in store (God Willing alone).
:) So I smile. And wait. -with one eye open of course. hehe
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