I'm going to purchase it in about a week so I thought I'd go over the original plan, and made a few changes.
Plus I thought I'd add the cost of curriculum so you can know what I'm spending this year. Of course this doesn't include supplies, arts and crafts, science projects, MANY field trips, etc etc etc. Homeschooling doesn't just sacrifice your time, it does your budget. But, it's like they say..when I'm on my deathbed will I ever look back and think "Man, I wish I would have had more time to myself and saved more money"??? Nahhhh. I know for sure I will NOT think that.
Both kiddos:
English- Grade level for each
History- All on same level
English-Time 4 Learning = $35/month -$420/year
Bible- Answers in Genesis BIBLE curriculum = $29.99
Science-Answers for Kids Volumes 1-4 and Children's DVD Pack = $29.99
2nd Semester- Gods Design for Chemistry and Ecology Set = $89.99
Awesome Science DVD Set = $36.99
History- Draw and Write Through History = $12.95
Answers in Genesis Timeline = $14.99
Charlie Brown:
Math- Teaching Textbooks = $119.90
Handwriting-Handwriting without Tears Blue Book = $7.75
Writing letters to a pen-pal (Oh yeah, I'm including this as learning)
Spelling-Online- learning songs/spelling songs
Reading-Bob Jones 3rd grade reading workbook = $30
Grammar-Bob Jones 3rd grade grammar workbook = $25
Kung Fu Roo:
Math- Bob Jones = $22.22, and Time 4 Learning
Spelling-Online- learning songs/spelling songs- free spotify
Reading-Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons = Free because we already have it
Library Books
Handwriting- Handwriting without Tears Yellow Book = $7.75
Total this semester: $249 next week + $35/month Next Semester: $127 + $35/month
Oh yeah...and I need a planner/organizer too! $30
And I have a confession to make. I've spent probably a total of 30+ hours this summer so far researching curriculum, learning styles, looking at books, etc trying to figure out what is best for us. This is NOT EASY people. Anyone that thinks we don't do enough or care enough about our children's education is so wrong. Homeschool mothers do not take this lightly, and we stress over it so. So, next time you ask my kids when they start school and we reply "we homeschool" with a smile...all we need is a smile back...and maybe a lil respect for our choices.
Muwah! Momma...OUT...at least until I start freaking out about these choices....again.
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