This sort of goes along with some of the other posts I've had where I mention not to assume something about someone and their battles. How I may look one way because I'm exhausted but that doesn't mean I feel argumentative, etc. Posts like having Grace because sometimes you don't see the battle a person is fighting. Some days, most days we look like any other person on the outside, but have things we are struggling with on the inside.
The underestimate works too, because I underestimate myself. Alot. Luckily I have a husband who tells me how amazing I am and how much he respects me getting up and getting things done, children schooled, and house semi cleaned even when I don't feel like it. This helps me remember God gives me more strength than I would have on my own, and more than I know.
But it's the talking about me, or my child and our health struggles that I want to really touch on today.
Here's the thing, I share more than most people. I share so much that it overwhelms ppl and they don't want to get close to me because it can be too much to worry about in a new relationship. I get it. But that's who I am. When I am ready, I share. Good. Bad. Ugly. It's all who I am. And it's all for anyone to see, if they wish to come see it.
Therefore I don't think it's too much to ask to have people come to ME for their information or updates. I don't think it's too much to ask family members to refer those asking to my blog if they want details.
I give them. FREELY.
I have all too often seen misinformation and horrible gossip spread because people didn't want to take the time to find out for themselves. Now, I ask you. Are these ppl REALLY the ones who care??? Are they the ones whom will spend time on their knees in prayer for me??? No. THEY ARE NOT.
Those that won't even come to a blog, open at any time of day for their convenience to keep updated on me and would rather ask whomever is next to them and get some superficial answer and say a "bless her heart". Those are the ppl that pretend to care but, really, they really don't. It just makes them feel better about themselves for taking a moment of their precious time to ask whomever was next to them that may or may not have the accurate information.
And shame on me too, for I have been that person who didn't take the time. Who shared gossip, who shook their head in proper sadness for that person hurting....for that one moment and then asked what was for lunch.
But I am learning from my own experience and I share with you, openly and all-too-honestly why I feel the way I feel about coming to the source.
This is my struggle. This is my body. This is my journey.
Is it really too much to ask ppl not to share things I haven't chosen to share yet? Or to ask ppl to guide others with their questions to me rather than say things I may or may not want shared yet?
I don't mind ppl asking for prayers for me. Or posting my blog and asking for prayers. All I ask is that you keep it at that. The specifics can be left for me to share for it's not your journey to share with another. It's mine.
So, yes, please. Ask for prayers if you wish. But let me share any specifics. In my own time. In my own way.
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