Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Long day

Schooling took 4 hours today...and I'm about to pull my hair out. My shoulders are tense and I have a headache. I admit it was because of unforseen circumstances, as yesterday I had to go to the Dr and he dialated my eyes therefore I could not school as I was blind most of the day. We had TWO days to do to catch up.
Not only that but I added a reading program for Kung Fu Roo online, a reading textbook, AND Bob Jones Grammar book for Charlie Brown. The two things I added for Charlie Brown are like pulling tooth and nail to get him to work on and finish.
What's my point?
Homeschooling is sometimes stressful. Ima be real witcha.
You have bad days, yes and it's even more difficult if you're like me and it's hard for you to be at someone else's beck and call...all day long.
It makes me want to scream when I don't get some time without hearing "momma" all day.

So, we're working on it. I'm sitting here writing about my frustrations and the boys, well they are playing archaeologists...with dinos...in ice. They bury them in bowls every evening, put them in the freezer, and then every day they get out the hammers and other various tools and dig them out. And EVERY day it's a new and cool discovery. Ahh the things that interest boys.
And with every "momma" I reply with "no momma right now, I need some time".

Eh, I'm not perfect...whaddyawant from me?!

Even though I need time we really have had a great day. We started with a walk, schooled, lunch break, and school again, now me time and then time to get started on supper. My work is never done.

But, like with my boys, it's the little things in life. For example it keeps a smile on my face that this evening I get to make my husband watch the movie "Hairspray" to research for a 50s styled photoshoot. Hehe. Revenge for making me watch "The Outsiders".
And revenge. Well. It makes me happy today. --seriously, have you SEEN The Outsiders?! You'd want revenge too for having to sit thru it.

* Update....I accidentally rented the new one, therefore it was punishment for the both of us until I couldn't stand it anymore and turned it off. That's what revenge gets ya, it bites back. See. I shoulda known better.

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