Do you ever think about what you want for your children? Their adult life I mean? Do you think about ways to lead them in this direction? How about this one...Do you think about telling them? Like, now?
I'm not being a drama queen and writing my whole will now because I'm having surgery in two weeks (Nope, we're writing our wills because in the future Lord willing, we're adopting but more on that later).
Instead, I looked outside at my boys sitting on the porch talking while drying off from the pool and just having a blast with each other and I thought to myself "I pray they stay best friends forever".
And, well. alot of things happen in this life. Things we have control over (stupid choices we make, good choices we almost made, etc), and things we do not (God's plan for us). And truth be told, this blog is sort of a diary for me. An online version that my husband proly wouldn't think about for two years after I passed even though he reads it now. Still. I need to tell them. And life is short. So Carpe Diem!
A letter to my boys. Be it 5 years from now or 50 that you must read this.
To the readers and friends: what would you tell your children or hope they learn from you? Write it, and link it in the comments!
My sweet and precious boys:
aka Charlie Brown-Buggie Boo the Cleanup Crew-Bug-My Love-Stinker-Big Blues-Bubble Butt
aka Kung Fu Roo-Roo-My Love-My Squishy-My Sweetheart-BELLY!-Baby Browns
For your learning-
I pray you find the way God has planned for you, and enjoy it along the way. I pray you find it easily and without frustration but should you not, remember that in everything there is a lesson to be learned and a path to carve out.
For your friends-
I pray you never follow the pack/herd/world/popular boys/or plastic girls. I pray you keep those around you whom will lift you up in the word and keep you honest and accountable to the Bible. I pray you have mercy and grace with the rest of the world, but do not invest any more time in them than sharing the gospel or prayer needs. You do not need those who would seek to lead you astray, and many will.
For your love-
I pray you wait and honor the picture of a biblical marriage. This alone is God's way of showing you how special you are to him. How much of a gift you are, how ruining this brings baggage and pain. Waiting for God to bring you a Godly woman takes alot of patience, yes, but so will being married to take it as the first step in your training. ;) KEEP HER PURE. It is not ok to touch (inappropriately), kiss, or make love to a woman who is not yours. God made sex to bond two people so much so that taking this from someone is tearing a piece of them. A piece they can never get back and will live with those memories and regrets the rest of their life. Knowing a woman is full yours and you are full hers is what trust is all about in your marriage. Giving of yourself, and your pride to your wife is what carries you thru the hard times. AND THEIR WILL BE HARD TIMES. Marriage is not for two ppl who are alike to "have the most fun possible". No. It's about sanctification. Its about God bringing two sinful ppl together to teach each other things that they would not learn in many other situations. Like perseverance. Endurance. Trust. Standing together knowing you don't stand alone. Faith. Love. Making each other laugh. God puts two together to tear down walls and build each other up in ways you never thought possible. She has to know she can always rest in your arms. And you have to know you can put your pride down and let her caress you.
This life is hard. But when you reach a hill and find yourself holding your breath scared to climb it. This spouse, she will take your hand, look up at you, nod and give a little smile and boldly you will then be able to take the steps you need to climb those hills. THAT is what Marriage is all about...and so much more.
For your ethics-
WORK HARD. I do not raise you to continue being boys. BE MEN! Be men of Faith. Men of the Word. Men NOT of this World. Men of Courage. Men of Strength. Men of Humility. Men of Grace. Men of Humor and Laughter when all looks dark. Men of Serving. Men of Honor. Men of Truth.
Be the first man to reach out when someone is in need with a confident smile behind that hand.
Clean the house. Help your wife. Arrange a babysitter to take her on a date. Court her. Even after 12 years or 40 years of marriage. Change diapers. Answer toy phones (IN PUBLIC). Play. Make God first, your wife second, your children third, your friends and family after, and then your work. Remember, a real man thinks of others first.
For your future-
I pray that you two, brothers, will remain good friends along with your Daddy. Even when your frustrated most with each other. Remember the times you played day in and day out with each other. Remember when, as children, you respected each other and loved each other. Leave your pride behind and love your brother and father.
Look to the bible. It will tell you everything you need. Stand up for what you believe in and those who need someone to stand for them.
Always, always're not perfect. You don't have to be. You are just the way God made you. And because of the Cross, you are HIS (just believe it, and try your best to live in the word and not of the world, along with daily repentance). But don't be a platitude Christian. It's not all cakes and jelly beans, and that's ok. Everything else teaches us and leads us, if we let it. God has a plan. And HE is sovereign. Know this. Know this will all your heart and keep reading the bible, speaking with Godly men, and studying until you do.
You are not your past. Or your bloodline. You are exactly who God made you for the exact purpose He made you. Trust in Him.
Be a good Daddy. When it comes to your family, there is no football, or video games, or TV, or hard day at work. Be there. Right then, this is what they remember of you and learn from you. They learn how to be a Daddy from you, your actions, not your words. Take interest in the children God's given you for with them you are richly blessed.
For your finances-
Provide for your family. But, NEVER sacrifice your family on the alter of money/power/job. You should work hard to provide for them to the best of your ability, but your first and foremost goal is to honor God and to honor Him means your job has it's place, right behind God, and your family. Be honest and honorable and God will bless you in this. Whether you are the world's foremost scientist for new discoveries in the Ocean, or a Preacher in a foreign land living off of $20,000 a year be who you are called to be and be it well. Take pride in your calling, but never let pride control you.
Be diligent in your budget and make good decisions with the money God has allowed you.
Know that this world is not it. This is only the beginning, and it's sometimes a painful, or challenging one. We live in a fallen world full of fallen ppl. But eternity is not worth joining them in earthly pleasures. Those pleasures, they don't last and they leave you feeling empty, lonely, and broken.
However, there is joy and fun to be had, and have it...while honoring God.
Know that you. You are my gifts. Looking into both of your eyes is how I know that God loves me though I do not deserve it. He gave me you. I will forever be thankful for my blessings. You fill my life with Joy, Love, Laughter, and a want to be a better person, a better Mommy, each and every day. My cup runneth over, and I would do well to remember that every single second of every single day.
I Love you, My hearts, My precious ones. Forever and Ever.
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