So today we had lunch with some others from our church, we love this group of ppl and we love being around them. The Pastor's daughter was sitting with another young girl in the same booth as my boys. She tells me "I have GOT to talk to you" but over the noise of the restaurant I couldn't hear so later she comes up and tells me that Kung Fu Roo was telling her about all his "girlfriends" and she pointed to the other girl and said "is she your girlfriend too"? Because we all know, the pastor's daughter has been one of his "girlfriends" since he first met her. He looked at them both (apparently) and said "Yes, she's my newest one". And when they giggled he looked at them like "ohhh yeaaaahhhhh" and gave a sly smile.
As I was telling my husband this we laughed and shook our heads and then reasoned telling each other "It's ok, he reasons thinking she's a girl, she's a friend....therefore boom...girlfriend".
And this made us feel better.
I asked him tonight "what's this I hear about you talking about girlfriends at lunch today". IMMEDIATELY he buries his head in the couch and gives me a shy/sly smile and then sighed. And sighed again. After the THIRD sigh I had a sinking feeling. The boys is already trying to charm girls. NOOOOOOO it's TOOO EARLY!!! How do I know?
Oh. Well.
He then said "I just don't know what to do Momma. I have all these girlfriends and I can't decide which I like because they are all pretty".
I died.
My 7 year old officially killed me by trying to be a ladies man.
I hope he knows we don't date, and that we aren't going to allow him to become part of any girl's heart until it's his wife. That even if we have to lock those big cheeks in his room from ages 15-21 he WILL remain biblical in becoming a man and an arrow unto the world.
Then again who am I kidding?! He sneaks into every heart he meets with these cheeks and that smile. sighhhhhh
Oh girl...I know. I have one too. Just keep training, training, training. I pray it works with Troy (and any more arrows to come) because it did NOT work with my teens. I started too late. It breaks my heart.