Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Moms, we need to get a grip on our guilt!

I've told you before that our dog's name is Abby, but we call her "Nanny", specifically when she's outside with the boys. We have too because WHEN she's outside with the boys she's in charge and nannying them and they know it. She's watching over them and protecting them all while running around causing a ruckus with the neighbor dogs at the same time. If I do not let her out with them and there is one or more child outside without her she gets VERY upset. She gripes, whines, and softly barks while prancing around me to LET. HER. OUT!!
One day a few weeks ago I learned a much needed lesson from Nanny. She'd been outside with the boys and came in when they did. She then went from one boy to the other sniffing them over. Once satisfied she came to me with a big doggy grin on her face (yes dogs smile, want proof)?
^^not our dog^^

Anyway, can I stop proving my point and get back to the lesson now please? Thank you. 
She came to me with a big grin all excited and expecting to be praised. I honestly think I could hear her saying (do we really need to have a conversation proving that dogs talk too?!?!) "I did it! They are alive and well. I'm AWESOME". Yes, she was THAT pleased with herself. 

And I thought  "Wow. What pressure would it take off us Moms if we treated ourselves the same way?!" 

-What if for once we didn't guilt ourselves because we only got 8434 things done that day but not the other 2? 
-What if we eased up on ourselves and trusted in the motherly intuition God gave us for our children? 
-What if we didn't worry at night that we were doing it wrong? 
-What if we didn't cry every time we lost our temper and simply apologized WITHOUT thinking of it the rest of the day? 
-What if we BELIEVED in ourselves. That we CAN do this by the Grace of God? 

What if....when our husbands came home each day we threw our arms around him and thought "I DID IT! They are alive and well and we made memories today. 
What if?

If Nanny can do it, I think we can too..especially since the one and only God created us exactly as we are for the exact children HE gave us. 
^^our dog Nanny^^

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