First, Charlie Brown.
We finally had the 6 week post therapy update. I've been waiting to see our final results before updating.
The stats:
Strabismus: Corrected. Dr cannot seem to make his eyes disconnect during eye test. He is on point and fully connected.
Amblyopia: Better. He began at 20/200 and now he's at 20/35.
Eye Tracking: improved 1+ years but still not at age level
Visual Processing-
Jordan Reversal Test: Improved 2.5+ years but still not at age level
Auditory Analysis Skills: same level not improved, 1 year behind.
Beery Buktenica: ON LEVEL, improved 1+ years
Logical processing: ABOVE grade level, improved 8+ years on age 17 level
Sentence copy: same level not improved, 2 years behind.
Sight word screening: same level not improved, 1 year behind.
Listening Profile: Improved
Visual Field Test: Improved
They want to begin reading therapy which included purchasing a program and doing it daily at home retraining him how to read properly not compensating which he seems to be doing still on habit, then go in and test every 3 weeks.
Most of his problem areas are processing areas and it seems that his Audio Processing disorder is playing a big part in him not progressing as he should. It seems it is time to begin APD therapy. The problem is we owe $8500 for this Therapy that only partially worked, and he also needs extensive Orthodontic care due to a stupid ball shaped pacifier he was addicted too as a baby.
The GOOD news is that he has improved.
The BAD news is that it did not work as well as we had hoped or expected.
I am struggling I must admit with what direction to take. I feel such a weight on my shoulders and it is so hard because I don't know what is best for him, our son. It's so overwhelming to be honest, I cannot imagine how parents of children with serious physical or developmental issues handle all these decisions that affect their lives. I'm so thankful his issues are slight compared to many and our choices are few, but still to a mother it pains me. I see a perfect child, one with SUCH a kind heart that every single friend I have comments regularly on how kind and helpful he is. He's a caretaker who loves and cares for others often. He is beautiful, inside and out. He's strong willed but a leader who is logical like his father. He stands his ground, and yet chooses flight rather than fight (you've never seen a child run from a scary noise like this guy. One time we thought he busted a hole in our van to get in and away from a train closeby we were watching). He's SO intelligent it often scares me, he's wanted to be a scientist for 4 years now and I have no doubts that if this guy puts his mind to it and continues to want it, he'll do it. I see pictures of people swimming with HUGE whales and I think "that's going to be my son one day", and it's not pride, I just believe him. I know he'll do it if he puts his mind to it. He's soft and gentle, he gives me sweet soft kisses on my cheek while his brother practically climbs on top of me to plant a big sloppy whopper on me. Both awesome.
I see this child in all his God made perfection and I want the very best for him, and yet I am not sure what that is. Plus I'm not sure where that ends.
Let me explain, as homeschoolers we rebel against the "norm" and I see these stats and think "Ok, this is based on what the "professionals and government" says is normal. They use the same numbers in public school because the goal is to raise lil sheep who will all be similar and easy enough to control. That is NOT our goal for our children. So where does it end? Where do we say "Ok, this is how God made him, he may not be strong in this area but he is in this one".
So. We Pray. And we do the best we can, trying all the while to remind ourselves that we are not really the ones in control anyway. That he WILL BE exactly who God made him to be for the EXACT purpose God made him. Whether we make the right decisions or not.
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I mean seriously! How gorgeous is this kid?!
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