Several years ago we found out that my son has a chance of having Central Audio Processing Disorder. It's where his hearing is perfect, but sometimes his brain doesn't quite process what he hears and so it sounds like the Charlie Brown Teacher. We never got an official diagnosis because I didn't need too. I knew what it was and tried working with him at home believing he would overcome it on his own.
Fast forward to now:
Two weeks ago my oldest was diagnosed with Strabismic Amblyopia. This is most likely also related to the part of his brain that processes information and since it was never corrected it's manifested in other ways. Time for Therapy.
We are currently looking into the different types of therapy and costs. It's not cheap, or easy. This is going to be a long ride. So, I'm gonna write about it and hope that maybe I can comfort others going through the same thing as well as take comfort and be thankful for everything, even in the struggles. This is kid AMAZING so whatever the outcome, we WILL overcome!
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