I posted Charlie Brown's Story here. It's very Anti-Abortion and argues the fact that they ARE babies, straight from conception.
But now it's time to continue that argument. As Paul Harvey would say, you need to know "the REST of the story". And, hopefully, this will not be the last story I tell about my kiddos...I'm hoping there's one more story to be told...one more argument to make. We shall see, though and more on that later.
Many times I hear the pro-abortion argument about "me or the baby", or "the baby will not have a full life", etc. And this side states that if the child is known (or even suspected) to have problems in-utero that the best thing is to terminate pregnancy. It's just...easier.
Ok that thought sickens me, but in this blog I'm trying to remain positive and funny and therefore going on a rant about this thought would only make me look crazy. Because I do. When I rant about you killing off God's creation because they are "different" than you, that is. Crazy, wild haired, angry woman. And no, no she's not much fun.
So, I'm just going to stick with tell you our own story that relates to this argument.
Just One year after our first miracle arrived and blessing our lives so much so that it changed us completely we found out we were expecting again. This time I told my hubs day of by the way. To our knowledge I hadn't been pregnant since Charlie Brown's arrival so there was no reason to think I couldn't deliver again. Oh I was so confident that since we'd had one, all problems were magically solved from here on out. HA!
I was so happy because I had just lost ALOT of weight, found out I was pregnant and, in my small mind, all things were going to be glorious and so much better now.
But, like a good momma to be who knew she was high risk I called the Dr and scheduled my first appointment asap. This time with a new Dr (same practice) who would soon become known as "my favorite Dr" or "the good Dr" or something equally as awesome.
This time we heard the heartbeat at 8 weeks without having to do a sonogram and all seemed normal with the baby. With me, however, it was not so. "Favorite Dr" was concerned about my recent weight loss, as well as some symptoms I was having and sent off for blood tests. The main concern was that I had NO folic acid in my blood at this moment so they pumped me with it, and sent me with meds AND that I was HYPER-thyroid. The tests showed I had/have Graves Disease. They had to stop my thyroid completely to make sure baby stayed safe. Bye bye skinny Momma, HELLO BALLOON! POOF, just like that. It was fun I tell ya. sigh
"Good DR" also decided to do some further testing on my health problems because he was curious about why I lost so many vs was able to sustain two babies now. But those results wouldn't be in until later in the pregnancy.
So, about 10-12 weeks (when I say "about" it's because all this was 6 years ago, I have Graves disease and therefore horrible memory and unfortunately didn't journal back then so gimme some grace on the exact things...they aren't important anyway) we go in for our sonogram. I remember being SO frustrated at having to wait so long to see the baby because I got to see Charlie Brown so often so early. HA! God was about to teach me a lesson in "beware what you ask for".
"All looks good with baby, except, well except one little thing...but we're going to send you to a specialist to make sure because our machine is old and it might just be the machine". This was all they'd tell me.
So, the next week I went to the specialist. Oh well, at least I got to see baby again!
After the specialist did their sonogram, went into his office to consult via phone with "Good Dr" he came out and told me the news. The baby had a bright spot on his/her heart. I went back to "Good Dr" for him to explain fully because "Good Dr" was thorough and liked to explain everything in detail to make sure you are well informed...one of the many things I liked about him.
The Decision
"Good Dr" informed me that baby had a bright spot and most times this was indicative of Down Syndrome but could also be indicative of a hole in the heart. Most likely Down Syndrome at this point though. Now, our chances of baby actually HAVING down syndrome weren't like 90% or anything but I recently read that it doubles the chance of your baby having Downs. And it's also not the only indicator of Downs In Utero, it was just OUR indicator that it was a possibility. So then, as his duty forced upon him "Good Dr" had to say we had a choice because we were still early in the pregnancy. He then followed up with a quick "I mean, I personally wouldn't make that decision due to my beliefs but I have to inform you of it." I quickly told him "no, that is not an option for us", he let out a sigh of relief and we continued discussing the what-ifs and plan for the pregnancy. Basically we would continue to see the specialist every week for now, see if any other signs show up.
I should tell you that I also chose NOT to do an amnio screening because I was and am not willing to take the risks of doing such a test. I personally do not believe we should mess with God's creation in such intrusive ways.
The Miracle
We watched and watched that lil heart grow but the bright spot remained. No other signs showed though so slowly our hopes grew (though we tried not to let them).
Then, one appointment at the specialist things got crazy. Nurse after nurse came in and finally the Dr. WHAT?! Confusion had set in, panic was almost here too. But finally, the Dr told me the news.
At 8 months pregnant....
Just. Gone. Just like that.
After discussing with "Good Dr" what this meant I still was not convinced all worries were over. I did do the Tri-Test where they test Momma's blood later in the pregnancy and all came back clear (well, with very lil percentage chance anyway). And he finally got to tell me, it looked like our little BOY was healthy with no conditions known. At the same time, as luck would have it, he received those test results of all my health problems back. He read this extensive list to me of my problems and why I lost those first 5 babies. Then looked at my blood levels with this pregnancy and stated that my Progesterone levels were not enough to sustain a pregnancy, my Folic Acid levels were not enough to sustain a pregnancy, my thyroid levels were off the chart and therefore my thyroid hormone levels were not enough to sustain a pregnancy, etc etc etc.
He stopped reading about half way down this long list and looked straight at me and said the words that will live in my heart forever....
"So basically, these two boys you have are nothing but Miracles from God. You should have never been able to carry or sustain them otherwise."
And now you know why I liked that sweet Dr so much!
In short, for 8 months of my pregnancy my little boy had a chance of being born a Down Syndrome baby. And you know what? We were going to accept him JUST as he was. No excuses people! The bible says "ALL children are a gift from God"!
And just a month or so ago lil Kung Fu Roo looked at me and said this not even knowing his own story yet:
"Momma, do you know where God lives"?
"No baby, where"?
"In my heart". BIG SMILE.
You're absolutely right baby. In your heart, where he always was to begin with.
Now, I would LOVE to de-bunk the myth that it's better than foster care. I'm working on it. Give God some time. ;) :) :)
I'll dedbunk the myth that abortion is better than foster care for you...
ReplyDelete*I* am a foster parent, and a darn good parent to ALL my kiddos, including my adopted and future foster/adopted babies! Nothing is wrong with a child being in foster care except for the fact that someone hurt or neglected that child for it to be placed in foster care. Why they didn't choose adoption to begin with is the travesty in foster placement.
However, at least their child abuse didn't go so far as to mutilate and MURDER their innocent baby. (Yes, I know sometimes it happens outside of the womb, but, it is just as horrid before birth as after.)
:) I'm hoping that when/if we adopt out of the foster care system I can tell that child's story (once all mine of course). We've had foster children before and of course they all have a place in this world just like everyone else..plus at least they get a chance to live. But, your right, in most cases they would be put up for adoption. However, I actually have heard someone who's pro-abortion say those words "it's better than the child ending up in foster care". ugh. shiver. So maybe one day we can both de-bunk that myth and also the one about "growing up never knowing why your parents didn't want you" etc by sharing more stories about their lives/struggles/and ultimately triumphs. ;) BTW, you need to "follow" my blog too! lol!