JUNE 1st!
Once we have the official evaluation we will have more answers and I can be more specific about what struggles he has in daily life.
We will be going to a Therapy Center here in Tulsa which will oversee a "whole body" therapy for him. We do not know how long it will take but we do know we have to give it our all for our boy, he deserves that much. "Whole Body" means he will get Audio Therapy for his APD as well as Visual Therapy which will address both his Strabismis and his Amplyopia.
Because, in truth, all three are what you call "processing disorders". All three stem from his brain having some sort of a tick where it does not quite process the same as most people. Not quite getting there and stopping a little short, if you will.
I cannot wait to know where he stands in each of these problems, to understand my son better. Right now I don't always understand the why's or what exactly his issues are and that's hard. It's frustrating for both him and I. But once we have a better understanding we'll be better able to communicate and he'll be better able to learn.
I can coordinate his schooling in order to help him, I can do things that make it easier on him AND I can incorporate therapy at home in fun ways that he never knows is helping..like getting a Ping Pong table for example helps with his eyes connecting, etc.
I believe it is our responsibility as parents to get to know our children and their actions. Why is he so easily frustrated? Why was that fit thrown? Why is she talking back? Etc. Their actions are based on our training, whether intentional or not.
I personally wish my parents had taken this approach to me as a child. People might have dispised me a little less. But, I digress and am thankful at the same time. Because without my own experiences I would not be so careful to be different with my own children. I would not be so observant and we might never know the Why's or have reason to fix these issues.
It has made me a more understanding parent. And for that, I'm definitely thankful.
For my kiddos, I'm most certainly thankful. For these issues, I am also thankful. It's not easy to know my son is having problems or is blind in one eye and cannot understand things sometimes...but he is learning his own life lessons through his problems and experiences and they, too, will help him in the future. I'm sure of it. Because that's the way our loving FATHER works in us, so yes, I'm thankful for the trials too.
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