Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Where are their hearts?

My friend has her hilarious son do a "Troy says" segment every week. This child is seriously funny. One time he asked me what happened to my eyebrows (I have very light eyebrows and so you don't see them if I don't have brow liner on and one day I saw him I did..the next I didn't, the child was truly perplexed). I think I told him I was playing with fire...or something teachable and most likely traumatized him for life. I do that, you know. ;)
You can read his segments here. Funny Troy. We miss him.
So, I'm going to try this. My kids are thinkers so I'm not sure this will work but I'm going to try anyway. If it turns out good I'll proly make it a mid-week segment too. Because mid-week is when my brain turns to mush.

Charlie Brown on Homeschool
When telling him what we are doing he said. "uuughhhh am I gonna have to do math"???
1. Why do we Homeschool? Because we need to learn
2. Do you like it? yes
3. What is your favorite thing to do in Homeschool? handwriting
4. Least favorite? reading
5. What would you like to learn? science
What kind of science? sea science
Why? because I love the sea
6. What do you think you're learning? Right now? mmm mathhhhh, math!
7. What do you think Mommy could do better? teach me science about the sea!
8. Who's your favorite person in the world? you
and then he corrected me saying "momma, THAT is not how to spell math".

Ok so my kids aren't funny on command. They are funny in their own rite, but you know what?! This is still a good way to see where their hearts are weekly. ;)

Kung Fu Roo
1. Why do we Homeschool? because it's good. so we can learn.
2. Do you like it? uhhhh yes
3. What is your favorite thing to do in Homeschool? ummm math. everything.
4. Least favorite? everything again.
5. What would you like to learn? ummm counting. how to build. annnd coloring and writing annnd AHA! got it mamma, I like toooo see how large and numbers the wood is and everything how big and how large. and how to know how to paint. annndd paint all by myself. and with no paint getting on me. and ...that's all! *whheeeww I thought I was going to have to stop him*
6. What do you think you're learning? uhhhh math and painting and how to build everything.
You're already learning that? uhhh no. I dunno.
7. What do you think Mommy could do better? Cuddle with me and do dishes and be my sweety heart and sweety.
Do I need to do dishes more? Uhhh not really. But most of the future and time and future time.
8. Who's your favorite person in the world?  uhhhh everyone that sees me. and be nice to me.

And then I had to argue with Noah cuz he wanted to do more and said this was fun. And refused to leave. oi vey. And is currently saying "can I do it now, how about now, now, how about now?" over and over again.

What is a good subject to ask them about next week?

1 comment:

  1. Awe, I LOVE their answers! Thanks for this post, and thanks for sharing my blog. My Troy is certainly a funny little dude. I am trying to formulate another list of questions for him. Still thinking on them.
