Have you ever had so many things happen to you and your family health-wise that at some point you feel like saying "What am I God? Am I Job?"
Oh, don't get me wrong, my faith is nothing like his was. my pride way too extreme, and my gentleness somewhat non-existent most days. In fact, if God is allowing Satan to test me as he did Job...I'm failing miserably. But I tell you what, out of all of it I sure am learning! Well, as fast as a stubborn child does who likes to kick and scream to get her way. Ahem, anyway...
Everywhere I look are health problems. They rule almost every part of our lives. My father had a double lung transplant 8 years ago. 20 years ago he was diagnosed with a lung disease and given 5 years to live. He's had an amazingly long run for 15 years later, but it's been full of health problems. I have my own lil plethora of health problems that stem from a couple of things but one is also an auto-immune disorder. And now, my son has recently been diagnosed with his own set.
Sigh. Some days I want to ask when it will end. Others I want to give up, cry and still others I am a fighter. Whichever personality I am today, I decided it was a good day to write. And maybe I can write my way thru this and will encourage someone else who is growing thru this. Mostly I think I'll talk about my son's issues, and the process. Maybe in the end it will have completely corrected and we can have the document from beginning to correction to be thankful for.
Hopefully I won't ramble too much, I do ramble often. Hopefully I won't get negative, I'm also bad at that. If I do, feel free to use fun sayings towards me in gentle reminder like "getcha lippee on girl"! (London slang for "stop pouting and get up". ;) I like weird sayings.
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