So, I keep mentioning Eucharisteo but I keep saying "more on that later". And once again I'm going to say it. Because that's not really what this post is about. That's where I am now, though, and who I'm trying to be. However, it can be said many times by many people that this is not the person they know about me. The person they know gripes, alot. She is dramatic, clingy, sarcastic (I know you didn't know THAT one), and so many other negative things.
But this is where I am now. Where God is leading me because, really, people CAN change. Don't believe me? Get to know me and my life story and I'll prove it to you. ;)
Why am I telling you this? Well, it pertains. Why, you ask? You sure are asking alot of questions today. Listen, I'll tell you.
It pertains because there are many times I could look back into those dark times when a friend has hurt me and say "she should have been there for me", or "she should have done that differently" or "she could have talked to me about it, I would have listened". And I struggle with those thoughts alot, I admit. Because it's hard not to blame others, it's our nature as human beings.
However I'm at a point now where I'm looking within, and I'm more confident than I once was, I'm not sure why but maybe it's that I KNOW I'm in God's hands and not all up to me, because I know I'll fail if so. That gives a person horrible confidence you know.
So, I think it would be better if we ALL looked within and rather than thinking about what others do wrong, think about what kind of friend WE can be. It is said that there's a high percentage of women out there, at any moment, looking for their next great friendship.
So that means there just might be others out there feeling like me. Wanting someone who will stick it out in the good AND bad times. Just like I do.
What if I decided to BE the friend I want, and just trust in God to bring those friendships and not get in so much of a rush?
Some days that is hard because I really just want someone to go have coffee with or get away from the house and talk too. But, in being thankful I can instead turn to my husband and be thankful for the friendship I have in him, the one that has grown in this time of girlfriend famine (and don't get me wrong, I still have some pretty great just so happens they all live far away though).
So what does this friend I'd like/like to be look like?
-Listen more than talk..or at least take turns
-Bite lip if it's trying to gossip, or tongue, whichever is doing the dirty work
-Be positive and loving
-Be honest
-Be supportive, my decisions are not theirs and they don't have to hear MY opinion on everything (ladies and gents this is the most difficult for me I think).
-Have fun. No worries
-Understand. We all have bad days, bad moods, etc. I don't have to get upset just because they are.
and most of all
-Don't take it personal. Whatever "IT" is. Don't obsess, don't be obsessive.
-BE THERE. During the good AND the bad. We are such a throwaway society, real friends stay thru the years, even when it's hard and love them thru it. Even when I must SAY the things that are hard because I love them.
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