Friday, May 11, 2012

Charlie Brown's Story

My oldest, my "Charlie Brown" has a story, you've read some of it. But, I have posted his very first story yet and today is the day! I felt inspired by seeing the story of Christian Buchanan  and if you haven't seen HIS story yet please, take a moment to go watch it. But bring tissues. And not while you're cooking supper, supper will burn because you won't be able to see it. Did you watch it? It's ok, let the tears dry before you read on. Better? Ok. Isn't he beautiful?! SUCH a precious gift are those with challenges!
What inspired this story is when she said "One girl even told me I was a horrible person for not aborting in-utero". I'm sorry WHAT?! Oh how she didn't beat that "girl" to a pulp I'll never know! (Ok, let me explain I'm hormonal lately. All these beating references, I'm really not this violent usually...usually).
One of my favorite speakers is Gianna Jessen and if you haven't heard her, you NEED too! You can watch her above. Oh how I adore her and her spunk!
One of my favorite quotes from her states "Ladies and Gentlemen there are things that you will ONLY be able to learn by the weakest among us". And it is so true.

One of the abortion arguments is that they are not "babies", our emotions are removed from what is in our womb. And so, here is my counter argument and my oldest's child first story.

I lost 5 babies before I got pregnant with him. During the last 2 we were told I had too many health problems, I could not carry a pregnancy, my body would not sustain it. But then we followed God's lead and submitted to moving back to where I grew up, to the Dessert. We didn't want to go but we felt led too and for the first time in our marriage we submitted and went. Shortly after that I found out I was pregnant. Again. But let me back up a little. During my last miscarriage I was being watch by what I call "the crazy Dr" and you'll find out why here in a sec, don't rush me! ;) My hormone levels weren't going down fast enough for this Dr and he thought my body might not have Miscarried naturally like before when the babies heart stopped beating. One day, in his office he told me that yes, my levels were going down but very slowly and so he thought it would be best if we just went ahead and did another DNC to get all the extra out of there so it could be done quickly. Now, I had just gone thru this procedure months before and it wasn't fun. I feel like I have to explain every time that I went thru this procedure ONLY because the baby had died in utero, NOT because of my "choice", I would never ever do that. However, this time I felt an extremely strong tug to let it be. I saw levels going down, we were about to move back home and I didn't just want to put my body thru that again, not to mention the overwhelming feeling I had in my spirit saying "NO!". When I told him I think it's all going to be ok do you know that this "Crazy Dr" had the nerve to say to me.."well, I could always declare you incompetent of making this decision and call the police to bring you back to the operating room". Ummm, I'm sorry but when someone can FORCE you to have surgery and declare you incompetent that's called "DICTATORSHIP" NOT democracy and it's WRONG!! While he was out of the room letting us "think about what he said" we left. And you know what?! That was all satan, you'll find out why here in a second.
Back to being in the Dessert.
So, we're all moved and I get this feeling again. We just started new jobs, and I'm thinking "oh no, not again. We can't handle another loss" so I actually go to my first Dr appt there in the Dessert at a very awesome new Dr clinic without Scott ever knowing that I was, in fact, pregnant again. They drew blood and told me my levels looked good for how far along I was (only about 3-4 weeks at the time) and we scheduled another appt in 4 weeks. Me being high risk, I got to go in more than most women.
So, I told my husband and we waited. Nothing happened but we dare not get our hopes up. I mean, it had been less than 2 months after the last loss when I got pregnant there's no way my body could sustain after that with all my other health problems right?!
At 8 weeks we go in and they decide they will try to see if they can get a heartbeat. Nothing. They decide they are going to do an ultrasound, one that, um, get's a lil closer to the baby-ifyaknowwhatImean. So, the nurse gears up and turns the machine away from us. Of course. Sigh. She inserts the ultrasound and waits. She holds her breath too. GREAT! So I prepare myself for what comes next...and then. Then the nurse smiles and chuckles. REALLY? Wait, what?! She says "you HAVE to see this". In a very confused state while holding my breath for over 15 minutes I look as she turns the machine. And there, on this machine is my lil peanut. But he's not just there....he's DANCING! You read that right. Dancing, with his lil nubs for arms and nubs for legs and he's wiggling back and forth from one side of my sac to the other bouncing off the sides as he goes. Dancing. At. EIGHT. WEEKS. OLD.
Unfortunately the machine we were on was a mobile one and could not record him dancing but it's something I'll never forget, to see him not only well, not only alive, but dancing and thriving.

So here's the catch. I do not produce progesterone, the very hormone we had been watching go down. My body also does not produce Folic Acid, needed to sustain the baby. Had I followed "Crazy Dr's" orders and had a DNC, there would not have been enough Folic Acid OR Progesterone left over to sustain my dancing baby. Only because God saw fit to give us the gift of our lil "Charlie Brown" at that time were we able to keep him and have him.
Pretty cool eh?!
So there. I've seen a baby dance at eight weeks in utero. BOOM! Argument won. :)

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