Saturday, May 19, 2012

I'm in love with Amish Butter

I went to post this day before yesterday and just so happened to see that Pioneer Woman posted about Butter day before yesterday! What are the odds? Me and Ree, we're TIGHT like that, we should become buddies, you know, since I look like a stalker moving close to her and all...
So I'm taking a chance. I started working on this post WED EVENING, but believe as you will. I'm willing to risk being thought of as PW copycat....darn you PW and all your glorious funny-ness!! 
What was my post about? 
Oh yeah, Butter. 
It's yummy. Delicious. Scrumptious and so many other good things. 
I would highly suggest it. I don't really know whether it's REAL Amish Butter or not but I buy it at an Amish store. Does that count?
In fact, I'm in love with the Amish period. I love their lifestyle, their puritan ways, love of the earth, and most especially love of GOD. I love learning about their ways, not that it's easy. But I plan on learning more, mostly in case my husband ever get's his way. I always say my husband would have me living in an Amish Community if he could. Not that they would accept this rebel. I'd proly be a bad apple to them. But you know, just in case. What can I say?! He's an extremist, when he changes he goes ALL the way. So, you know, just in case I ever have to live within think I should know more about it.

In all seriousness though, my family IS striving to live more simply, not including my blog addiction of course *eyeroll*. Less of what the world wants, living more on what we need vs want, not including my new couch of course *sigh*. Ok I SAID striving did I not?! And seriously we did need a new couch, I couldn't even sit on ours anymore it reeked of spilt orange juice so badly.
Well I plan on making homemade butter this summer as a project with the boys. I saw it on *puritan pinterest*
And who knows?! Maybe next year I'll even get up enough strength to plant a garden!

*puritan pinterest does not exist but I said puritan because it made me sound more Amish, and simple. And less addicted to internet.

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