Sunday, March 24, 2013

Might wanna check your bible....

Ok so I had this idea...and I'm not saying it's the best of ideas but I personally think it's pretty funny. Call it my twisted sense of humor if you will, still once it was in my weird and anti-social brain it had to come out. So bare with me and realize I'm only doing this FOR HUMOR. 

**preface/protecting myself from verbal onslaught** 
---these things, I've said many of them, thought many of them, and DONE many of them. I am nooooooo better than anyone else by any means!!!! PLUS, this is not to judge anyone NOR am I calling anyone out. It's not my job to judge your salvation nor will I.... your words, however, well some a those can be put up against the bible and lose. Mine can too. So this is funny, yes. But, it's also meant to be thought provoking, of your own accord, to what God calls you to see. And if He doesn't, fine, just have a laugh at the things you think are funny/ironic, and scowl at those you don't. *smiley face* 

In pure Jeff Foxworthy style. things that make you go "hmmmm".....

If you've ever....

-started sighing loudly while making referee type signals to the preacher because he's cuttin into your might wanna check your bible.

-used the words "That doesn't sound like a God I would want to serve"'re obviously thinking more of you and less of Him might wanna check your bible.

-watched Joel Olsteen online and thought "that made total sense" might wanna check your bible. 

-gotten up late, wondering if it's ok to wear the same clothes you wore to the bar last might wanna check your bible. 

-dropped your kids off at six flags over Jesus, stopped by the local coffee bar, and chatted it up about last night's party all before even sitting in your seat for might wanna check your bible. 

-used the words "getting mah Jesus on" on facebook, during sermon/ might wanna check your bible. 

-said God gave you the ability to control the weather, yet you didn't check yourself in for accessory to homicide the last time a tornado wiped out an entire might wanna check your bible. 

-If the words Doctrine, Theology, Propitiation, and Sovereign all sound like might wanna check your bible. 

-If your churches Music rival's some of the wildest concerts you've ever been might wanna check your bible. 

and finally (for now),,,

-If you think following Christ is might wanna check your bible. 

Ok be nice pretty please. I just thought it was funny. :) :) And I laugh in thankfulness at where I've been and how far I've come. 

1 comment:

  1. I do think it is hilarious... thanks for that this morning. The Joel Olsteen one has me really laughing. I literally LOL at that one. You could insert "Joyce Meyer" there too...
