Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A new job, and medical care!

This morning I awoke to more changes, changes I can now officially tell you about. My husband is switching jobs again. He doesn't like that he's switching again, he wants to stay somewhere for a long time and find that precious security that he had in West Texas a year ago developing trust and friendships. But he's been a hot topic in his profession, time and time again he's had to turn down head hunters for insane amounts of money but not in the best places for our family. Example: Carlsbad, NM. I"m sorry, but there's just not enough money to make me want to move to Carlsbad, least not right now.
But one contacted him that he'd previously applied too before he took his current position and he thought it an honorable thing to do to just talk to them since he had applied and he wanted to make contacts in this company, at least for future positions. Well, it turned out to be more than he could turn down and the biggest part of that is the private insurance. They are such a big company that the deductible is only $600 a year and they HAVE NO PRE-EXISTING CONDITION CLAUSE.
Now, my sweet husband is the man whom his whole reason for moving us here and changing jobs, selling our house, and all those other things I mentioned here is because of ME. My health and to get me well. It turns out God had another plan and I wasn't the only one that would need to be here (Charlie Brown's condition and therapy) and we've been blessed in many other areas.
So what this means is that I'm able to get healthcare OUTSIDE the Cherokee Nation and more consistent proper care at that.
And with that we are back to having a light at the end of the tunnel. 
I'm not going to say it's all cheese and crackers from here, and am expecting a bit of a fight still. But with more choice, I should be able to find adequate care before long, on God's will.

Not only that but in this position he will now be a Lead Designer, which I think will be really good for him. And it's the next step up in his job. I'm sure the trips to Russia are just icing on the cake for him. HAHA

So, we are praying God's will in this and that this is a new chance, because we'd all but given up on me prior to God opening this door, more on that later.
So CONGRATS hubby! I'm so proud to call you mine!


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